many unkind jokes is removed.

Are you interested in a series of articles that I have prepared on this subject? A.L.V., Beverly Hills

Sure are.

Dear Sir:

May I say that all the letters published in Vol. I, No. 6 of ONE reflect the basic weakness of your publication. David L. Freeman criticises the German magazine, Der Weg as having "nothing to offer our people as a socially conscious and responsible force in society." Your pretentious little articles in no way add anything new to the subject of homosexuality. Every writer that you include intimates, subtley (?) suggests that the American homosexual is a paragon of talents, citizenship, and sainthood. May I remind you that the I have European idea is the correct one. just returned home after spending 15 months in Germany with the U. S. Army!

For all those readers who are afraid to see the word "Homosexual" on the back of a magazine, for those who still worry about their mothers and girl friends, and for those who condemn American homosexual literature as "tripe" (but rush to buy it every time a new book is new book is published by Greenberg), I say that they should join MI. Jean Genet-the only fairy who has the courage to write the truth and accept it without begging to be let into a society that has not now and will never have any use for "the queer ones."

B. K., North Carolina

Dear Sirs: I have just read the June issue of "ONE" which I found more interesting than pre-

vious copies. Your magazine has a good beginning, is improving, and I hope will be one of the best in the future.

However, I agree with "S.J.R." in that we need some entertainment values; something amusing, humorous, and on the lighter side. God knows, haven't we had enough of the morbid and depressing side of homosexuality?

Let's have some short stories, anecdotes, book reviews: yes, even a few biographies or auto-biographies. Anything with a human, personal touch! As an example: your letter section proves most interesting. We need a magazine like ONE and I'm glad to see a publication for our benefit. I wish you continued success, and I'll try to help you in any way possible.

K.C., Indiana

The editors like a good laugh just like people. They search eagerly for humorous material on deviation and find there isn't much out. How could there be when ONE market for it! provides history's first So get gay on paper and keep your minority's demand supplied!

Dear Sirs:

My belated congratulations on ONE of the finest magazines to date to handle our "touchy" subject and for doing it so beautifully. Being One of the Armed Forces, and many more wanting information like myself, could it be possible for you to enlighten us with an article as you did in a previous issue for the civilian populus, on our rights. Any information you could possibly gather would be of great help I'm sure, as many of us are quite at a loss as to what to say when confronted about "questionable" activities.

A.T.H., San Diego

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